Part 1 - Dynamics
According to the discussion with Jozimar, IMU and GPS are not yet implemented. Nevertheless, we can already define their outputs according a more general rule in order to build the wrappers inside the SmartData@Linux implementation. In the first implementation, these will be empty boxes in the model.
IMU Transducer
Feeds a X/Y/Z speed, X/Y/Z acceleration, and yaw rate.
Latitude and Longitude are expected to be converted to X, Y, Z Coordinates in relation to the center of the earth before entering the main system.
Kalman Filter — Location
Is used to improve location. AMPERA implementation is not finished yet. In the case study will simply replicate the input.
Dynamics Model
Combination of every information in dynamics. Defined as Object (see below at Part 2) + Gear, Engine RPM, and Battery State of Charge. Total size = 65B.
SmartData Model
Description | Unit | Unit Meaning | Semantics |
IMU Acceleration | 0xC4962924 | (m/s², float 32 bits) | for x's value=0, for y's value=1, for z's value=2 |
IMU Speed | 0xC4963924 | (m/s, float 32 bits) | for x's value=3, for y's value=4, for z's value=5 |
IMU Yaw Rate | 0xC4B24924 | (rad, float 32 bits) | 6 |
GPS | 0x84964924 | Meter | for x's value=7, for y's value=8, for z's value=9 |
Gear | 0x3001 | Type 3, Length 1 | 10 |
Engine RPM | 0xE4923924 | Frequency Hz | 11 |
Battery State of Charge | 0xF8000001 | Percentage | 12 |
Kalman Filter Location | 0x84964924 | Meter | for x's value=13, for y's value=14, for z's value=15 |
Dynamics Model | 0x40041 | Type 3, Length 65 | 16 |
Heading | 0x84964924 | Meter | for x's value=17, for y's value=18, for z's value=19 |
SmartData Model VeReMi Message Extension
Description | Unit | Unit Meaning | Semantics |
Send Time | 0x84925924 | Time (us) | 30 |
Sender ID | 0x4924924 | Digital Unit | 31 |
Sender Pseudonym | 0x4924924 | Digital Unit | 32 |
Message ID | 0x4924924 | Digital Unit | 33 |
IMU Acceleration | 0xC4962924 | (m/s², float 32 bits) | for x's value=34, for y's value=35, for z's value=36 |
IMU Speed | 0xC4963924 | (m/s, float 32 bits) | for x's value=37, for y's value=38, for z's value=39 |
GPS | 0x84964924 | Meter | for x's value=40, for y's value=41, for z's value=42 |
Heading | 0x84964924 | Meter | for x's value=43, for y's value=44, for z's value=45 |